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Список на интеграли на хиперболични функции

Од Википедија — слободната енциклопедија

Списoк na интеграли на хиперболични функции:

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[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun, editors. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.
  • I.S. Gradshteyn (И. С. Градштейн), I.M. Ryzhik (И. М. Рыжик); Alan Jeffrey, Daniel Zwillinger, editors. Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, seventh edition. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-12-373637-6. Errata. (Several previous editions as well.)
  • A.P. Prudnikov (А. П. Прудников), Yu.A. Brychkov (Ю. А. Брычков), O.I. Marichev (О. И. Маричев). Integrals and Series. First edition (Russian), volume 1–5, Nauka, 1981−1986. First edition (English, translated from the Russian by N.M. Queen), volume 1–5, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers/CRC Press, 1988–1992, ISBN 2-88124-097-6. Second revised edition (Russian), volume 1–3, Fiziko-Matematicheskaya Literatura, 2003.
  • Yu.A. Brychkov (Ю. А. Брычков), Handbook of Special Functions: Derivatives, Integrals, Series and Other Formulas. Russian edition, Fiziko-Matematicheskaya Literatura, 2006. English edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2008, ISBN 1-58488-956-X.
  • Daniel Zwillinger. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 31st edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2002. ISBN 1-58488-291-3. (Many earlier editions as well.)
  • Meyer Hirsch, Integral Tables, Or, A Collection of Integral Formulae (Baynes and son, London, 1823) [English translation of Integraltafeln]
  • Benjamin O. Pierce A short table of integrals - revised edition (Ginn & co., Boston, 1899)