Разговор со корисник:Base

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Од Википедија — слободната енциклопедија

Добре дојдовте!

Здраво, Base, и добре дојдовте на Википедија! Благодарам за Вашите придонеси. Се надевам дека Ви се допадна проектов и дека одлучивте да останете. Еве неколку страници кои можеби ќе Ви се најдат како корисни:

Се надевам дека ќе уживате во уредувањето овде и во тоа што сте Википедијанец! Ве молам потпишувајте ги Вашите пораки на разговорните страници со внесување на четири тилди (~~~~); ова автоматски ќе го внесе Вашето корисничко име и датумот. Ако Ви треба помош, погледајте ја страницата Википедија:Прашања, прашајте ме мене на мојата разговорна страница, или поставете го прашањето на оваа страница, а потоа ставете {{помош}} пред прашањето. Уште еднаш, добре дојдовте! --Brest-bot (разговор) 13:45, 28 декември 2011 (CET)[одговори]

Hello, we discuss on our Village Pump for our problems with redirects and most users think that this is real problem and we have to find solution. So, I want to ask you, if you can and want to delete all of redirects (make from Brest-bot). So, if you`re interested in this proposal please write me on my page or directly on Village Pump. --Ehrlich91 (разговор) 19:58, 1 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Hi Ehrlich91. Sorry for the delay with response. Yep I'm interested. Could you summarise to me what was decided to do with them (perhaps there're some conditions on which of them to delete and which not or something like that) since my macedonian isn't good enough to understand everything. Defaultly I'll be doing it so that all redirects to pages of ns0 createad and solely edited by Brest-bot will be deleted. Do I need to write somewhere to ask for bot flag and temporary sysop flag to my bot? --Base (разговор) 13:54, 10 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]
Yes, we have summarize problems with these redirects and we decide to remove all of it. Maybe in the future we need just original redirects for the articles, but best for us is to remove all of redirects make from Brest-bot. Yes, you need permission for your bot, so you have to contact with Bjankuloski06 for temporary permission. --Ehrlich91 (разговор) 20:44, 10 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Коментар  Hello. I have given BaseBot a 'bot' and 'admin' right. Ad for the removal, I cannot do it once I have given it, I'd have to ask the stewards to do it. But that's allright, no problem. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 20:54, 10 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Ehrlich91, Б. Јанкулоски, Thanks. Could you write me a comment bot'll deleting that redirects with. Something like "Bot: Deleting unnecessary redirects (per Special:Permalink/3331145#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B0.D1.81.D0.BE.D1.87.D1.83.D0.B2.D0.B0.D1.9A.D0.B0)" but in macedonian. Just to mention it: I'll be deleting redirects created by Brest-bot not just solely edited by him but by other holdels of bot right (so that double redirect fixes won't stop my bot). --Base (разговор) 18:41, 11 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Коментар  Absolutely. Here is the translation: "Бот: Бришење на непотребни пренасочувања (согласно изгласаното)". Cheers and thanks a lot again! --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 18:47, 11 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Just as some update as it's been a while since I did something. I've done some test run to estimate the speed bot runs back then. I'll adjust bot so that it will run faster in order to not have it running for too many days. Unfortunately real life gives not as much time as I'd want thus delay. --Base (разговор) 18:50, 27 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

It`s ok, I completely understand you :) We waited for this so long, so a little longer or a few days later it didn`t make any difference. --Ehrlich91 (разговор) 20:03, 27 април 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

It seems that I finally got bot working on high speed. If you need to stop it try Корисник:BaseBot/Life or just ban it (but do not enable autoblock as it'll affect other bots). --Base (разговор) 17:24, 4 мај 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Ehrlich91, Б. Јанкулоски, Almost done. 714,976 actions performed (if xtools doesn't lie). The ones left (around 300, [1]) are those edited not only by bots. Some of them are already articles (very nicely noticeable with links to redirects highlighted via CSS) and some are now redirects to another target thus need not be deleted. But some are just double redirect fixes performed by humans thus are to be deleted too. So that's where automated deletion part ends as consideration is needed per each case. If you want I can help with that by logging in into my bot's acc and doing it manually. If not, and if there are no more deletions or other admin actions for my bot to do (well my personal opinion is that all your talk pages with template which says just exactly that it's a talk page and userpages with template which says that it's a userpage are kinda rubbish. the latter ones especially since global userpages are implemented as they prevent global ones to be shown. but again it's up to your community whether you need them) then it's the end of my bot's temporary adminship in here and a request on m:srp should be made :) --Base (разговор) 06:08, 10 мај 2015 (CEST)[одговори]

Well done and thanks a lot. I think Bjankuloski already write on the link about removing your status. For that 300 links, I begin to delete some of them or approve others, so I did not expect to be some problems with that. --Ehrlich91 (разговор) 18:45, 17 мај 2015 (CEST)[одговори]
No problems :) Oh indeed the rights have already been removed — I was expecting to see some reply here so didn't check the page directly :) Feel free to write me if there are some new tasks for the bot :) --Base (разговор) 22:32, 17 мај 2015 (CEST)[одговори]